Mid-season courses
Weekendkurs VS/ZS Freestyle
Saturday 05.04.2025-06.04.2025
The world of the freestyle slopes will be opened up to you - Rotations with slide and jumps will be at the forefront of this course. In addition, your dynamic carving and fakie skills are strengthened in all their variants.
This course can be taken several times since it is organized differently depending on the conditions.
The meeting place is at our school. In this course we will practice in the ski area at Pedra Grossa, Lavoz or Scalottas and depending on the program, we will be using the shallow or steep slope sections. Depending on your ambitions, you can pass the Virgin Fly or Super Fly Ridersystem course during this weekend. You will spend your lunch break with your instructors and the rest of your group at one of the restaurants in the area.
Your snowboard equipment should allow dynamic motion and if possible, your board should be a twin tip. Above all, your shoes must be tight enough to offer proper support. The power, especially for jumps and rotations is transmitted via the binding to the board, thus the boot / binding combination must work well! If you have your own equipment here, then this will be reviewed by us before the course starts and may be adjusted.
protective equipment is recommended: helmet, back protector possibly even with gloves guard. We are happy to advise you individually, because the right size choice is very crucial for effective protection!
Saturday 05.04. - Sunday 06.04.
Weekendkurs VS/ZS
For a course entry after course start please call.
Inside this course, no other selection is possible.
Select course level
Determine course level
CHF 143.00
Valid 1 time per person
Online buchbar bis: Fri, 04.04.2025 17:00:00
4.8/527. Jan. 2025
Feedback von Nino! Hat Spass gemacht in der kleinen Gruppe. Ich brauch jetzt auch ein Board.:)
4.9/522. Dec. 2024
Es war toll
5/515. Jan. 2019
Danke Rhea es hat mir riesigen Spass gemacht mit dir Lg Alessandra
1.2/514. Jan. 2019
es hat mir kein spas gemacht weil rhea extrem böse zu mir war und unfair. zudem am Samstag war die Bindung zu klein und am Sonntag war sie falsch montiert (Goofy statt Regular). rhea hat mir das aber nicht geglaubt.
4.8/514. Jan. 2019
Ich habe Jessica bewundert, da sie immer freundlich blieb und viel Geduld hatte, auch in schwierigen Situationen alle Fragen beantwortete. Vielen Dank
5/513. Jan. 2019
Es hat mir viel Spass gemacht und ich möchte sicher wiederkommen!?
4.2/523. Dec. 2018
Danke Flavia, endlich kann ich auf beide Seiten Kurven fahren. Schön Weihnachen Dir, Carlotta